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- /* Identify.c
- Each routine returns an informative C string. Here are samples. (I suggest you
- use BreakLines() to printf the longer ones.)
- IdentifyCompiler:
- "THINK C 5 compiled to generate 68020 instructions,
- generate 68881 instructions, and use 12-byte universal-format doubles."
- IdentifyMachine:
- "Denis Pelli’s PowerBook 170 with 68030 and 68882 running System 7.10, ROM 1024K
- version 124+6*256. Caching data & instructions."
- IdentifyModel:
- "PowerBook 170"
- IdentifyVideo(device):
- "PowerBook 170 “Macintosh D Built-In Video” (.Display_Video_Apple_TIM) in slot 0"
- The computer model appears only if the slot==0, which indicates built-in video. The
- curly quotes embrace the card name, and the parentheses embrace the driver name.
- The driver's version number appears only if it's non-zero.
- 1/29/92 dgp wrote IdentifyCompiler.
- 2/25/92 dgp wrote IdentifyMachine.
- 8/26/92 dgp get owner and model name from the System file
- 2/20/93 dgp added ROM version
- 2/27/93 dgp merged IdentifyCompiler.c and IdentifyMachine.c into the new Identify.c,
- and added IdentifyVideo.
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- #include <Traps.h> // _HWPriv
- #include "mc68881.h"
- /*
- This table was complete in summer '92, but does not include the newer models.
- However, the table's used only as a backup, when the System lacks a machine name
- string, which is a feature of System 7. Since all new machines nominally require
- System 7, it is unlikely that it will ever be necessary to look them up in
- this table.
- */
- char machineName[][32]={
- "Unknown Macintosh","Macintosh","Mac XL","Mac 512KE","Mac Plus","Mac SE","Mac II"
- ,"Mac IIx","Mac IIcx","Mac SE/30","Mac Portable","Mac IIci","Unknown Macintosh"
- ,"Mac IIfx","Unknown Macintosh","Unknown Macintosh","Unknown Macintosh"
- ,"Mac Classic","Mac IIsi","Mac LC","Mac Quadra 900","PowerBook 170"
- ,"Mac Quadra 700","Mac Classic II","PowerBook 100","PowerBook 140","Quadra 950"
- ,"Unknown Macintosh"
- };
- char processorName[][32]={
- "unknown processor","68000","68010","68020","68030","68040","unknown processor"
- };
- char fpuName[][40]={
- "no floating point unit","68881","68882","68040 built-in floating point unit"
- ,"unknown floating point unit"
- };
- char *IdentifyCompiler(void)
- {
- static char string[200];
- char *compiler,*longs,*floating,version[4],*format;
- double v;
- string[0]=0;
- compiler="";
- #if THINK_C
- compiler="THINK ";
- #endif
- #if applec
- compiler="MPW ";
- #endif
- v=0;
- #if THINK_C==1
- v=4;
- #endif
- #if THINK_C>1
- v=THINK_C;
- #endif
- if(v>0.0)sprintf(version,"%1.0f ",v);
- else sprintf(version,"");
- if(mc68020)longs="generate 68020 instructions";
- else longs="not generate 68020 instructions";
- if(mc68881)floating="generate 68881 instructions";
- else floating="do all float arithmetic through SANE";
- if(sizeof(double)==12){
- format="native-format doubles";
- #if THINK_C>1
- #if !__option(native_fp)
- format="universal-format doubles";
- #endif
- #endif
- }else format="doubles";
- sprintf(string,"%sC %scompiled to %s, \n%s, and use %ld-byte %s."
- ,compiler,version,longs,floating,sizeof(double),format);
- return string;
- }
- char *IdentifyModel(void)
- {
- OSErr error;
- long machine;
- int machines=sizeof(machineName)/sizeof(machineName[0]);
- static char string[32];
- string[0]=0;
- error=Gestalt(gestaltMachineType,&machine);
- if(!error){
- GetIndString((unsigned char *)string,kMachineNameStrID,machine);
- p2cstr((unsigned char *)string);
- if(strlen(string)==0){
- if(machine<0 || machine>=machines)machine=0;
- sprintf(string,"%#s",machineName[machine]);
- }
- }
- return string;
- }
- char *IdentifyVideo(GDHandle device)
- // E.g. "PowerBook 170 “Macintosh D Built-In Video” (.Display_Video_Apple_TIM)"
- {
- static char string[256];
- long quickDraw;
- string[0]=0;
- Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion,&quickDraw);
- if(quickDraw<gestalt8BitQD){
- sprintf(string,"%s ",IdentifyModel());
- sprintf(string,"%s“%s”",string,"1-bit QuickDraw");
- }else{
- if(GetDeviceSlot(device)==0)sprintf(string,"%s ",IdentifyModel());
- sprintf(string,"%s“%s”",string,GDCardName(device));
- if(GDVersion(device)==0)sprintf(string,"%s (%#s)",string,GDName(device));
- else sprintf(string,"%s (%#s version %d)"
- ,string,GDName(device),GDVersion(device));
- sprintf(string,"%s slot %d",string,GetDeviceSlot(device));
- }
- return string;
- }
- char *IdentifyMachine(void)
- {
- OSErr error;
- long fpu,processor,system;
- int processors=sizeof(processorName)/sizeof(processorName[0]);
- int fpus=sizeof(fpuName)/sizeof(fpuName[0]);
- static char string[256];
- unsigned char **owner;
- Boolean cacheData=1,cacheInstructions=1;
- long romSize,romVersion;
- string[0]=0;
- owner=GetString(-16096); // Get owner's name from System file
- error=Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion,&system);
- if(error)return string; /* Gestalt not available */
- Gestalt(gestaltProcessorType,&processor);
- if(processor<0 || processor>=processors)processor=processors-1;
- Gestalt(gestaltFPUType,&fpu);
- if(fpu<0 || fpu>=fpus)fpu=fpus-1;
- if(owner!=NULL && *owner[0]>0)sprintf(string,"%#s’s ",*owner);
- sprintf(string,"%s%s",string,IdentifyModel());
- sprintf(string,"%s with %s and %s running System %lx.%lx"
- ,string,processorName[processor],fpuName[fpu]
- ,system/0x100,system%0x100/0x10);
- system%=0x10;
- if(system)sprintf(string,"%s.%lx",string,system);
- Gestalt(gestaltROMSize,&romSize);
- Gestalt(gestaltROMVersion,&romVersion);
- sprintf(string,"%s, %ldK ROM version %ld+%ld*256."
- ,string,romSize/1024,romVersion%256,romVersion/256);
- if(TrapAvailable(_HWPriv)){
- cacheData=SwapDataCache(1);
- SwapDataCache(cacheData);
- cacheInstructions=SwapInstructionCache(1);
- SwapInstructionCache(cacheInstructions);
- if(cacheData || cacheInstructions)sprintf(string,"%s Caching",string);
- else sprintf(string,"%s No caching",string);
- if(cacheData)sprintf(string,"%s data",string);
- if(cacheData && cacheInstructions)sprintf(string,"%s &",string);
- if(cacheInstructions)sprintf(string,"%s instructions",string);
- sprintf(string,"%s.",string);
- }
- return string;
- }